iWay Magazine Revista de Estilo de Vida, Tecnología, Belleza, Viajes y Moda

You can get confused at some point on how to maintain the growth of your social media accounts

You can get confused at some point on how to maintain the growth of your social media accounts

What should you do next? Where should you publish content, and where can you find new followers? Will it all sort out by itself, and should you just wait?

Unfortunately, if you are not making an effort on your Instagram account, you will eventually lose the activity. Some followers may end up accidentally in your account, but you need to work harder to get more followers. We will tell you everything you need to know about growing your profile.

Step 1: Cleaning

First of all, get rid of the unnecessary followers meaning to remove those who do not leave any feedback, do not comment, or like your posts, reels, and stories. You may think that removing followers to increase your profile engagement is silly. But don’t be scared! Inactive followers are taking down your account. To be back on top, you need to delete those users.

Luckily, you do not have to do it manually! Some services will help you analyze your followers’ activity and remove unnecessary followers respectively. For example, GhostHunter will effectively remove bots, spam, and commercial accounts.

Step 2: Visual attractiveness

The next step is to work on the profile. Visual is important  when attracting new followers, especially the profile photo. It should be readable and pleasant for the users. Use harmonious color and create a profile design code based on your idea.

In addition, you should pay attention to the account’s description. There is a low number of characters available to tell about yourself. But this is for the best because brevity is the sister of wit.

Do not forget that photos for posts should also follow the same style. If you have one photo in bright neon lighting and the next in dull nude shades, it will cause dissonance. Choose what you like best, and leave experiments for stories or personal accounts.

Step 3: Content

Instagram is not only for posts but also for sharing long and short videos, IGTVs, and Reels. The last feature is relatively new, so you have a higher chance of ending up in trends and getting new followers.

But keep balance. Your profile should have different types of content delivered equally. You can share entertaining, commercial, and educational content. However, you should have more interactive posts as they will be more interesting for your target audience.

Of course, there should be more engaging content to keep followers entertained. But if you publish only interactive content, it will quickly get boring. In addition, you will not get rewarded for that.

Don’t publish too much but try to do so frequently. In an ideal case, you should post every day. One post a day will increase the activity in the profile and your visibility in the feed. You will not attract anyone to an empty profile, so take care of the content before moving on to the next step.

Step 4: Promotion

We have prepared for the promotion, but the actual promotion has not started yet. However, you are ready to start targeted ads, collaborating with other bloggers, and using native ads. It is time to choose what promotion will be suitable for you and it all depends on the product and your content.

Giveaways and contests can also be a part of the promotion. Personalized giveaways are a form of paid advertising as if the blogger published a post with a recommendation, only it takes less space and costs more.

Contests have the purpose of attracting a loyal audience. A well-chosen gift plays a significant role during the competition. If you want fewer freebies, you should put a valuable prize at stake for your audience. For example, if you promise an iPhone as a gift, you will get the attention of a wider audience which will first start following your account and then unfollow.

Step 5: Pinning

Do not miss the moment when the first followers come to you. New followers should see high account activity, trendy news, updates, and constant expansion. They should feel that they came right on time for subscribing if they do not want to miss anything interesting.

Talk to your audience, listen to their opinion, and ask about what they want to see in the future. Subscribers will bring you ideas for growing that you, perhaps, did not even have in mind. Run live broadcasts more often because you cannot transmit your charisma through the text.

By the way, it will encourage your followers to recommend your profile to their friends and strengthen your subscribers' loyalty. It is also a convenient source of promotion. Use word-of-mouth!

How you should not attract new followers

There are also methods that you should not use. Firstly, do not buy fake followers, even a few. Some people believe that the more followers you have, the better. That will increase interest in your account and improve the inflow of organic users. That is not how it works.

Do not spam other people's profiles, and do not invite them to follow your page in DMs. The response you will get will be angry and annoyed users.

Chaotic mass liking and mass following will not bring you anything good either. There is nothing wrong with trying to attract the attention of similar accounts with likes and follows, but you should not do this with everyone in a row.

Do not use hashtags that have millions of posts. No one will even see you for this hashtag as the new posts appear too quickly.

And finally, we should mention sponsorship in personalized giveaways. Some giveaways will put at stake a car or an iPhone. Even though sponsorship is not cheap there, and the increase in subscribers will be high, you will lose half of the new followers immediately after the end of a contest. And the other half will not bring you the desired engagement and will stay in your account, waiting for the next big giveaway.


To promote Instagram, you should not look for freebies as they might only bring you short-term benefits. You should better focus on the long-term. An Instagram account is a portfolio and your face in front of the advertisers and partners. Take good care of it, and you will see the results!

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